Saturday 30 October 2010

Match On Action

This is a continuity editing technique. It is when an edit is taking place in the middle of an action. It connects two different views of the same action, ussualy used to emphasise the action taking place to the audience, or even to build up tension is some cases. For example, if a very scared person is in a dark house and needs to open a door to get out, the action would be their hand opening the door. The shot would then zoom closer to their hand, which may be shaking in fear while opening the door, this would build up tension and explain in more depth the characters feelings. However it can be used in many different scenarios.
This is a video taken from the first matrix scene.
  • A match on action shot is used twice at 1 minute 46 seconds and again at 1 minute 48 seconds. This is used to emphesise the trememdous amount of firepower used. It is corresponding with what is happening in the scene at that time, because the bullets being used are coming from Neo, and then one of the security officers are shot straight after the match on action shot, so the audience easily pick up that Neo was the one who shot that gaurd.
  • Another match on action shot is used at 2 minute 53 seconds to 2 minutes 54 seconds. As Neo is in the motion of kicking the security officer, the match on action shot happens just as he kicks him in the head. While Neo is rising up in the air to unleash his furious kick, everything is in slow motion until the match on action shot happens. This gives the audience a feel of how painful that kick must have been to that officer which completely flips him over, and then everything goes into slow motion again.
A scene where match on action is used is from a very memorable fight scene from the movie Kickboxer,

  • Despite the cheesy 80's soundtrack, Jean-Claude wants to remove his gloves while his oppenent is getting closer to him. The match on action shot is used at 52 seconds and 1 minute 03 seconds where it shows the woman trying to cut the glove which is taking a long time considering his opponent is almost next to him. Then again the match on action shot is used at 1 minute 5 seconds where there is a sign of relief and he is free to take the glove of his hand and proceed with kicking his opponents "butt".

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