Sunday 14 November 2010

Deconstruction of a TV Drama

This clip can show the true power of a drama program. Although being on youtube, the title does give it away. However, the emotion and sadness from this scene deeply relies on the high level of acting skill from the actors and the use of non diagetic music added for dramatic effect.The camera edits in the beginning are very faced paced, showing which shows how fast they need to work during this emergency. We see many camera shots being taken behind props and equipment, this makes it seem as if we are there and trying to get a glimpse of what's going on in the room.  When the music cuts in, there is a montage of what everyone is doing, and this softens the blow to the viewer that the baby is slowly dyeing. The piano notes played are only 3 notes, possibly symbolising the uncomplicated innocence from the baby. From the body language of the character, the viewer can feel exactly what is being felt throughout the montage when shots of the clock are edited over the main footage. Close ups are used many times along with match on action shots to emphesise the emotion and effort being done to save this poor baby. This allows the viewer to see in depth the characters facial expression and a chance to read their body language.

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