Thursday 23 September 2010

Enigma picture

This is a rather mysterious picture which makes the viewer wonder many things. It shows a dark night in the forrest, a man who has his car near by and is opening many boxes while in a deep hole. Everything around him is dark apart from where his car lights and the moonlight is shining. First questions that spring into mind can be what might this man have on his mind and what would he be up to, also what is inside those boxes, and also what on earth would he be doing in the forrest at night by himself. He may be hiding something due to a crime hes commited, being in the forrest and as far away from the public as possible.It is rather mysterious due to the fact that the viewer has no idea whats happening and will never find out what is inside these boxes but may only guess as to whats happening.  The boxes may symbolise stolen goods, and the large hole in the ground may have been a hole that these boxes have been dug out from or are being put into.

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