Thursday 30 September 2010

Propps theory for narration of a film

The main idea of Propps theory for how the narration of a film should be layed out:

1) Preperation (a community or family is in an ordered state of being, everything is fine or normal)

2) Complication (a villain comes along and harms someone that is close to the hero, so the hero plans action against the villain) 

3) Transference (the hero is given a magical gift, or tought to fight against the villain and arrives at the place he can fullfil his quest)

4) Struggle (There is a struggle between the hero and the villain)

5) Return (hero escapes, task is set for hero and he accomplishes it)

6) Recognition (the hero is rewarded)

Propps theory of character types

Hero ( someone who saves the day )
Villain (the bad guy)
Prize (reward for hero if he acomplishes his task)
Mentor (someone who guides the heroes to victory eg. gandalf in lord of the rings)
Helper (People who stay side by side helping the hero, eg robin with batman)
Blocker (people that stop the hero from his tasks, eg the germans in enemy at the gates)

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